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Why can’t indoor led screens be used outdoors?

Some customers bought indoor LED screen, used for a period of time, the company has activities need to be used outdoors, in order to save costs, want to use the indoor led screen in the outdoor can?

Customers who have such an idea do not know about LED screen. Can give you a definite answer, indoor LED screen to outdoor use is not realistic, the reasons are as follows:

  1. Brightness limitations. Indoor LED screen brightness requirements are not high, with a dynamic scanning circuit, outdoor LED screen brightness is higher for high, is a static scanning circuit, the two hardware differences.
  2. waterproof limitations. LED electronic display screen indoor screen structure requirements are not waterproof or simple waterproof treatment, while the outdoor LED screen on waterproof requirements are very high, in the production of cables and boxes and other good waterproofing treatment, so there is a difference in the structure of the box itself on the requirements.
  3. Viewing distance limitations. Indoor LED screen requirements viewing distance, model is generally P3, P4, P5, P6, so the area is generally not large, within 15 square metres, while the outdoor LED screen requirements viewing distance is farther away, the model is generally P8, P10, etc., so it determines the area is larger, generally more than 30 square feet.

Summary: indoor LED screen and outdoor LED screen due to the brightness, waterproof treatment, model selection is different, resulting in the beginning of production, raw materials, accessories, boxes and other hardware is different, so it is not good to change, to change will only be more than enough, so it is recommended not to go to just change.

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