
How to design effective billboard content skills?

Digital billboards are excellent tools to advertise and promote your business. As a result, these billboards are very high in demand in the market. Unlike traditional billboards, these can display an unlimited variety of content. Besides, it offers a brilliant and vivid display screen.

But there is one thing to consider very seriously. It is the billboard content. So often, we see that the billboards are of excellent quality. But the content that they display doesn’t meet the standards. Without compelling content, you can’t achieve the true purpose of the billboard. Thus, billboard content is as essential as the quality of the billboard itself. In other words, I would say that digital billboards are all about content.

I will give you eleven tips on creating compelling content in this article. How to design your content according to your business needs. These tips are:

1. Try to make easy-to-read billboard content.

2. Use contrasting colors in your billboard content.

3. Highlight only the central message of the content.

4. Use a limited amount of elements in your content.

5. Use a visual priority in your composition layouts.

6. Use bold, large, and easy-to-read typefaces in your content.

7. Use visual cues to attract the audience’s attention.

8. Avoid using white backgrounds for billboard content.

9. Use the right images for your billboard content.

10. Never hesitate to use imagination and creativity in your billboard content.

11. Always test your content before running it on the billboard.

Above are 11 tips from my side on how to create effective billboard content. Now, I will describe these tips one by one in detail.

Try to make easy-to-read billboard content:

I will start with the basic rule or criteria for creating any content. Content creators often make this mistake. They use complex terms or complicated vocabulary. It would be good for you to remember that ordinary people are viewing your content. They are your target audience.

Not everyone has a high IQ or a college or university-level education. Thus, it would help if you tried to use simple words in your message. Besides, you can try to make readable content. So that even a person with primary education can understand your message and content.

Digital Billboard Content Design

Use contrasting colors in your billboard content:

One creates content to deliver some message to the people. If your content isn’t clear to see, your content is worthless.

I would say that the billboard content or any content is about clarity or readability. One way to produce such content is by using contrasting colors.

You must be thinking about what this phenomenon of color contrast is. Using contrast colors means using different color combinations. Usually, we will use a white background in a dark environment. And for a bright environment, we will use a black background.

I will explain it more. You can achieve color contrast by using opposite colors on the color wheel. By this, I mean complementary colors.

Using contrast colors can give us another benefit. You can separate your main message or elements by using it. Sometimes, your message gets lost in a mixture of colors in the content. As a result, people can’t focus on it. As a consequence, they don’t understand your message. Hence, you can highlight or underline your main message using contrasting colors.

Digital Billboard Content Design

Highlight only the central message of the content:

Digital billboards can display images, text, videos, and animated graphics. At the same time, traditional billboards can show images or picture only. But don’t use lengthy videos or graphics on digital billboards. Instead, it would help if you aim to create content as short as possible.

It is a fact that time is the most precious thing. No one has any free time to stop and view your content thoroughly. Moreover, everyone has a short attention span nowadays. Thus, delivering your message as straightforwardly as possible is always better.

Your audience is pedestrians or people in moving vehicles. They have only a few seconds to view and read your message.

You should identify the keywords of your message. What are the essential words or lines you want the people to view? You should highlight these critical points.

Digital Billboard Content Design

Use a limited amount of elements in your content:

As discussed above, people have very little time to view your content. Thus, always keep your content simple and meaningful. For example, a headline should have seven or fewer characters.

Keep every frame as simple as possible if your content is in video format. Besides, you should avoid mixing too many images or graphics.

For instance, Apple uses a single photo to highlight its message. It is enough to tell people that Apple has high-quality camera performance.

Digital Billboard Content Design

Use a visual priority in your composition layouts:

Your billboard content can be text, picture, video, or graphics. If your content has too many elements, people may find it hard to determine the main message. Your content may puzzle them. Even after viewing it, they may still not know your main message.

The solution to this problem is the visual priority. It can bring a hierarchy to your content. Your main message should appear as the most prominent element of your content. It is because human eyes scan and read from top to bottom. Thus put your message on the top. After this, you can keep the other less essential elements.

Digital Billboard Content Design

Use bold, large, and easy-to-read typefaces in your content:

Your content must be legible. Legible content efficiently delivers the message to the viewer. One of the factors of legibility is the easy-to-read typeface.

Firstly, digital billboards can be quite large. And secondly, the viewers can view the billboard from a distance. In such cases, the content needs to be easy to read.

The text height should be at least 20 inches for the headline. And the text height should be at least 12 inches for the body. These are just examples. The text height should be according to the viewing distance and billboard size. Remember that your text shouldn’t be too small or too big.

You can use typography in this regard. It is a design principle that can determine whether your text is easy to read or not. It depends on the spacing, arrangement, and styling of the text.

I will tell you to keep a few things in my mind about typography.

  • Always use large and bold fonts. Avoid small and thin ones as they can be hard to read at a distance.
  • Don’t capitalize all the alphabet of long sentences. It can become hard to read and understand.
  • Give proper spacing.
  • Try to keep the same font design in your content. But don’t mix too many types of fonts.

Digital Billboard Content Design

Use visual cues to attract the attention of an audience:

While reading this heading, you must wonder what the visual cues are. I will explain this to you. Visual cues are the directional cues. These signs or elements can help attract viewers’ attention to desired areas.

I mean the spots on the billboard that display your main message in desired areas. These areas include call-to-actions, products, or main messages.

Some of the most common visual cues may be:

  • Arrows
  • Face or eye direction
  • Color contrasts

Visual cues are sometimes vital. Sometimes, you don’t follow the visual priority rules. You may need to place the critical messages aside. It may be due to some design factors or some other reasons.

Similarly, your design may not be good sometimes. In these conditions, visual cues are of significant importance. They can help you to attract the audience to your main message on the billboard.

Digital Billboard Content Design

Avoid using white backgrounds for billboard content:

Although white backgrounds attract the most, they can be distracting sometimes. Many LED panels comprise digital billboards. And these panels consist of many tiny bulbs or packages.

Red, Green, and Blue are the three primary colors for these LED bulbs or packages. So if you want to achieve white background, all these must be on. Besides, all red, green, and blue LEDs must have maximum brightness. And you may know that full brightness means higher power consumed. Thus, power consumption is very high for white backgrounds on digital billboards.

All in all, white backgrounds are not very cheap for billboard content. Thus, you should avoid using these backgrounds. The billboard background may appear bright, especially on a night with full brightness. Moreover, it can distract road users. And it can be irritating as well. Thus, it can make your content hard to view on white background.

Digital Billboard Content Design

Use the right images for your billboard content:

Firstly, I think images or pictures are pre-requisite for any content. Images or pictures are a powerful source of displaying your message. It is a powerful way of telling your story.

Images can deliver your message more effectively than simple text. And, thanks to the LED screen, you can easily display colorful and vibrant images on the billboard.

But you must select the right images for your content. You should choose the images that portray your message the best. You shouldn’t use pictures just for decorative purposes only. It isn’t very sensible and will occupy most of the space on the screen. Thus, you should use images that have a message. It is also important because the viewers have a limited time viewing the screen.

Thus, select the images that are meaningful and display your message effectively.

Digital Billboard Content Design

Never hesitate to use imagination and creativity in your billboard content:

It is a fact that every content should be creative and engaging. One should not look just for straightforward content. There is so much content and so much to see out there. Your content should be creative and innovative if you want people to see it. Your content should stand apart from others. Thus, it would help to use creativity and imagination in your content.

It is also one of the reasons that businesses are using digital billboards. It is due to the ability of these billboards to display a wide range of content. It is its ability to express creative content that makes it valuable. You can show text, images, videos, and animated graphics.

But, if you look at traditional billboards, there is no creativity. Or you say minimal creativity. You can’t display videos or graphics on it. Whereas on digital billboards, you can display almost anything you want. Use the best format that is suitable for your business. And use it to create something unique and engage the audience.

For instance, 3D LED billboards are becoming popular these days. Businesses are using it to promote and advertise themselves. These billboards display the content as if you are seeing it in reality. They install 3D billboards on facades in busy areas. It targets the people walking in these active areas. They feel mesmerized by viewing the creativity in this content.

Digital Billboard Content Design

Always test your content before running it on the billboard:

It is simple. Always test your device or anything you made before finalizing it. The same is the case with billboard content. I know that buying a digital billboard or advertisement slot can be expensive. And standard or below-par content can ruin your business.

Thus, it is wise to test your content and seek advice on it from experts. The content can be average even when you have followed every basic rule. Even if you are working hard to create the best content, you should test it. I would suggest you show your content to some experts and take their reviews.

Please show them your content and ask them for their opinion:

  • You can get an idea of whether your design is good.
  • You should play the content in real-time.
  • Ask your friends or experts if they understand your message or not.

In my view, this is an essential step and tip to creating mind-blowing content.

Digital Billboard Content Design


I have tried above to explain the importance of good content. And how can you create creative content for your business? Digital billboards are an effective tool in outdoor advertising. You can say that they are one of the most powerful advertising tools. But if you don’t know how to use it for your business, then what is its benefit? With the right billboard, you will also need the right content. Only then can you advertise your business successfully. I hope the above tips will help you create great content.


Introduction guide for outdoor LED display screens

Today we are living a life of technology. Just have a look around. You will witness various forms of technology. LED screens are one of them. Revolution in the area of marketing is due to these screens. They have become popular because of their applications in different areas of life.

There are various forms of display screens. We have not only indoor types. You will witness a lot of uses in outdoor setups, also. The most crucial role played by these screens is brand promotion. You can install them in outdoor designs to promote your business. With advancement, we have modified forms of display screens. These include pole LED displays, curved LED displays, and 3D screens. We also have different shapes and sizes of LED screens.

In this post, we will discuss outdoor LED screens in detail. We will go through its applications, features, and many other aspects.

What is an Outdoor LED Display?

The display screens installed in the outside environment are outdoor led screens. These screens use the same LED technology as indoor screens. It is just that they have some extra features. For example, outdoor screens are waterproof and with much higher brightness.

Outdoor LED Display

Types of Outdoor LED Displays:

We can classify the outdoor display screens on two bases.

Classification based on service method:

There are two types on this basis. These include:

Back service LED displays:

These are the type of screens that offer one-sided maintenance. Thus, you can open it from only one side for cleaning. It includes the following types:

  • P2.5
  • P3
  • P4
  • P5
  • P6
  • P8
  • P10

Outdoor LED Display

Back and front service LED displays:

These types of screens offer maintenance from both sides. You can maintain them from front and back. It includes the following types:

  • P4
  • P5.33
  • P6.67
  • P8
  • P10

Classification based on installation methods:

We can install outdoor LED screens at a location permanently. Or we can use the rental installation. On behalf of such methods, the following are the types of outdoor LED screens:

Fixed installation:

In this type, we have:

  • P2.5
  • P3
  • P4
  • P5
  • P6
  • P8
  • P10

Rental installation:

In this type, we have:

  • P2.976
  • P3.91
  • P4.81

Outdoor LED Display

Features of Outdoor LED Display:

Visual quality:

The primary function of outdoor screens is to captivate the audience’s attention. Besides, they build an impression of the brand. Thus, the visual quality is of significant importance. It has a direct impact on the message delivered. For this, the outdoor screen should be vibrant and bright.

If the image appears washed out, it attracts negative reviews. The pixel pitch and the resolution should be accurate. And another essential thing to consider is the viewing distance. Yes, the visual quality is also crucial for indoor screens. But, it has more importance for outdoor screens.

Outdoor LED Display

High Brightness:

It is an elementary feature for outdoor display screens. As the name indicates, the outdoor screens must face the direct sunlight all day. It is tough to view content during the day. During the day, there is bright sunshine. The brightness should be more than the sunshine. Only then can we see the content. Thus, this brightness feature has significant importance for outdoor screens.

At night, the brightness should be low. High brightness can distract the drivers. It will also harm pedestrians. Moreover, it will cause light pollution. Thus, it is best if outdoor LED screens can adjust the brightness automatically.

Outdoor LED Display

Weather factors:

Outdoor display screens have to face different weather conditions. It will face both hot and cold temperatures. It will also face rain, wind, snow, dust, and humidity. In these cases, the design of the display is essential. It should have all the protective functions. It will increase the lifespan of the display screen.

During rain, the water gets seeped through the screen. As a result, it can damage the image quality of the screen. Or even worse, it can destroy the display screen. Thus, the outdoor screens should be waterproof.

There is an IP rating for every display screen. The IP rating is ingress protection. It refers to the degree of protection the display screen have. Outdoor screens should have a high IP rating. Its minimum IP rating should be IP65. The high IP rating reduces the risk of damage to the display screen. The outdoor LED display should have all these features:

  • Insulation
  • Anti-leakage
  • Moisture-proof
  • Shockproof
  • Dustproof
  • Anti-corrosion
  • Anti-aging
  • Corona resistance

Temperature regulation:

Every display screen has an ideal internal temperature. It functions efficiently at this temperature. And this temperature is more important for outdoor screens. It is because they have to face both hot and cold weather.

The average working of display screens produces some amount of heat. There is a cooling mechanism on display screens. It will counter the heat produced by the screen. If the heat produced is more and the cooling is less, it will affect the screen. The LED display will not function if there is no heat dissipation.

The display screens have a cooling fan with a double ball bearing for heat dissipation. It is present above the back of the display. It ejects the heat produced. So, the outdoor screen should have a proper thermal management solution.

Outdoor LED Display

Energy efficiency:

We mainly use the outdoor screens for advertising purposes. We use these to generate profit. If the cost of using these screens is too high, what profit will they bring us? For example, the display screen has a high operating price. As a result, they have increased production costs. Then, we will lose profitability. Thus, outdoor screens should be highly energy efficient. Outdoor screens have unique power-saving technology. These features make them cost-effective.

Lightning protection:

Electronic devices are highly susceptible to lightning. The same is the case with outdoor LED screens. For protection against this issue, there are lightning arrestors. We ground the main body and shell of the display screen. And it can emit large currents produced by lightning.

Outdoor LED Display


The maintenance procedure for outdoor screens is more complex than for indoor screens. It is because they have to face extreme conditions. Besides, they take a beating from climate change. Thus, it is essential to do the regular maintenance of outdoor screens. Doing this will increase the service life of the screen.

Benefits of Outdoor LED Display:

Attention-grabbing display:

The most significant benefit of the display screen is its attention-grabbing capabilities. It has a dynamic and vivid viewing effect. Because of that, the target consumer will take notice and stop to take in the message.

People take more note of the content shown on a bright and clear screen. As a result, traditional billboards get replaced by them.

Outdoor LED Display

Unique content:

We can display any content on these screens. The content can be text, pictures, videos, or graphical animations. Brands can show their best articles on billboards to grab people’s attention. Businesses can deliver important information in the form of ads to diverse audiences.

Operational from anywhere:

Digital advertising is easy to operate remotely with a simple wi-fi connection. We can manage and control the ads with just a few clicks on the mouse. The company only needs to upload the content to the display’s software, and it will start running the ad.

Complete control of message:

Companies that sponsor the events using their digital signage have complete control. Brands can display short-term discounts and flash deals using LED window displays. The screen is perfect for capturing specific retail buyers.

Outdoor LED Display

Applications of Outdoor LED Displays:

Due to such features, we now have a wide range of applications for outdoor LED screens. Here is the list:

  • Brand awareness
  • Sports video wall
  • Concerts
  • Information display

Brand awareness:

If you are an entrepreneur, you will be well aware of this application of LED screens. To promote your business or brand, this is the best choice. This era is all about screens. You all are constantly dealing with screens, whether it is in the form of a mobile phone or laptop. So, if you want to have potential customers, you need to deal with their minds. Now people attract to screens with enchanting content displayed over them.

So outdoor LED screens find their best application in the area of marketing. It is the best way to have good traffic of customers. You can install screens in regions with high traffic of people. They will help you appropriately convey your brand or message.

For your business, it could be the best investment. Outdoor advertising via LED screens will give you high ROI.

Outdoor LED Display

Sports video wall:

Now we use outdoor LED screens as a crucial means of displaying information. In stadiums, you will witness a lot of applications of LED screens. For example, in stadiums, businessman promotes their brands via these screens. Moreover, they can display score rates. They show the game scores to all the fans quickly.

The application of screens in stadiums is not just displaying information. You can also entertain your audience with different scenarios. For example, it is impossible to have a clear view of the ground due to the significant distance from the ground. So here work outdoor LED screens. Besides, you can broadcast the event via screens to engage the audience better.

The role of outdoor LED screens in this part is of great value. Due to these screens, entertainment is now on the next level. As a result, the audience will surely better enjoy the event and have a good experience.

Outdoor LED Display


Apart from the above, you can also find its application in entertainment. For example, organizers install LED screens at concerts to engage the audience. This addition to the show will bring the event to the next level. As a result, there will be a better and more memorable experience.

The audience finds such events more enchanting. The stage, with fascinating displays, makes your event compelling. So LED screens have revolutionized the area of entertainment also.

Outdoor LED Display

Information display:

The need for outdoor LEDs keeps on increasing day by day. Now they are a vital component of displaying information at different locations. These locations include:

  • Airport flight dynamic state
  • Guidance of guests of ports and stations
  • Sports venue
  • Road traffic
  • Dispatch and command center

In such places, they play a vital role. First, it acts as a guide. It makes it easy for people by signaling the right path or location.

Outdoor LED Display

How to Control Your Outdoor LED Display?

We generally install outdoor screens in high places. Their locations are difficult to reach. Thus, it is necessary to control them remotely. We can do this with the help of a wireless connection.

There is unique software installed to control the screen. It can manage schedules on and off of the screen. It can regulate brightness, contrast, and other properties. We can also upload and change the content with the help of a wireless connection.


Outdoor displays with the finest characteristics can be beneficial and advantageous. To catch the attention of your target customer, choose the LED with top-notch features. These display screens have expanded the outdoor applications. If you are yet to book one for yourself, contact us anytime.


How LED screens can completely change the advertising industry


Standing in New York’s Times Square, every brick under your feet is worth a fortune. Its high value stems not only from the more than 500 million annual visitors, but also from the vibrant, non-stop energy at the heart of the world. Times Square has long become a cultural symbol that can represent New York and even the United States. When you think of Times Square in New York, what do you think of? It is undoubtedly the Nasdaq LED large screen, often hailed as the “world’s largest screen.” This giant LED screen towers over 23 stories tall and spans more than 7 stories wide, capturing global attention with its awe-inspiring scale. In addition, Times Square’s unique geographical location and commercial value make the numerous large LED displays on building facades an excellent platform for brand promotion.

LED large screen in New York's Times Square

Chinese videos dominate the LED large screen of Times Square

Last year, the Times Square giant LED screen became a sensation in China. On mainstream media and social platforms, many users shared how they could show their short videos on this screen across the ocean for just $40. Meanwhile, the “agency shot” business quickly emerged. Agents revealed that about 90% of the content on the screen came from China, with more than 100 placements per day. Those who witnessed it in person noted that there are about 10 large LED screens in various shapes in Times Square, each displaying different content, with video IDs and links to advertising companies. Behind these bold attempts lies a marketing strategy, reflecting the self-entertainment of China’s younger generation.

LED large screen of New York's Times Square

The international appeal of Times Square’s LED large screen

In fact, companies around the world are eager to advertise here. Bright, colorful billboards occupy every corner, with Nasdaq’s large LED screen being the most sought-after. Companies going public are eager to announce their success to the world. For a long time, appearing on the giant LED screen in Times Square was considered a crucial indicator of a company’s rise or fall. Although Chinese companies entered the scene later than their Japanese and Korean counterparts, they have quickly caught up in recent years.

giant LED screen

The rise of Chinese companies on the LED large screen of Times Square

In recent years, advertising on the giant LED screen in Times Square has become an essential way for Chinese companies to showcase their brand image, experiencing explosive growth. According to statistics, more than 100 Chinese companies have appeared on Times Square large outdoor display screens. With the continuous progress of China’s LED display technology and innovation, lightweight and transparent LED displays with a strong sense of design have been widely used in outdoor advertising. These screens not only enhance the effectiveness of advertising, but also significantly improve the aesthetics of the city. Since 2011, LED displays made in China have gradually appeared in Times Square, earning widespread praise from international tourists for their world-class color, brightness, and image stability.

transparent LED display

The potential of large outdoor display screens in China

Back in China, in recent years, giant LED screens have been installed in major commercial districts in cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Chongqing, and Changsha. These big LED screen not only innovate in content delivery, but also incorporate new technologies such as corner displays and naked-eye 3D displays. However, these screens currently cater mainly to large corporate advertisers, with very high costs. For example, a large LED display on a mall facade could cost 70,000 RMB per day, while the highest rate for LED screens in airports can reach 1.98 million RMB in four weeks.

naked-eye 3D LED screen

Current status and future prospects of domestic large outdoor display screens

At present, China’s large outdoor display screens are mainly concentrated in two areas: large transportation hubs and major commercial districts. Amidst the impact of internet platforms, brands are caught in a whirlwind of traffic anxiety and homogenized content. Some well-known outdoor media companies in China are actively expanding media resources in tourist spots and shopping malls while gradually embracing digital transformation. Especially with the emergence of new technologies such as 5G and the Internet of Things, large outdoor display screens are making a strong comeback.

In 2022, Wojee Media, one of China’s top ten outdoor media companies, launched high-definition naked-eye 3D LED screens and giant LED screens at Shenzhen Houhai Super Headquarters Base and Guangzhou Tianhe CBD Zhujiang New Town, respectively. Industry insiders also indicate that they plan to add Internet advertising services on top of traditional outdoor large LED screen advertising, providing customers with integrated online and offline marketing solutions.

large outdoor display screens

Conclusion: The infinite possibilities of giant LED screen advertising

As technology continues to optimize and upgrade, small and medium-sized businesses may become the new advertisers on large outdoor display screens in the future. However, the generally high costs of large LED displays can create barriers for some small and medium-sized businesses and niche brands. More cost-effective pricing, coupled with more refined and precise advertising strategies, is likely to attract more users.


Methods for outdoor LED screens to attract more viewers


With the continuous upgrading of market demand and the continuous iterative updating of new scenes in commercial space, large outdoor LED screens incorporating the most advanced sound and light stage technology in the future have attracted people’s attention. Among the many ways to build a differentiated experience, large screens can make people instantly detached from reality and feel happy and satisfied with a new sensory experience. Many companies are willing to spend a lot of money on this unique “landscape”, so what can this seemingly ordinary “LED electronic board” bring to brand drainage?

In the digital age, large outdoor LED screens break with traditional gameplay

When it comes to outdoor LED screens, the first thing we can think of is that it is like a giant screen in the sky of the city. Each frame is an orchestrated visual feast, from the bustling business district to the transportation hub. They are like the watchmen of the city, silently but strongly conveying information.

outdoor advertising screens

Outdoor LED advertising screen in shopping malls: a visual feast to create a shopping paradise

The shopping mall, as a shopping paradise, its outdoor LED advertising is also brilliant. The large outdoor screens at the entrance of the mall are like welcome messengers, welcoming every visiting customer. They broadcast information about the mall’s activities, brand advertising, or fashion trends, providing citizens with a variety of consumption options. These large screens not only enhance the overall image of the mall, but also bring a steady stream of visitors to the merchants. Inside the mall, indoor LED displays can be seen everywhere. They are hung above the corridor, or inlaid on pillars, or even inlaid in transparent windows. These LED screens display a variety of advertising content, from clothing and cosmetics to food and services. With their vivid images and bright colors, they attract consumers’ attention and stimulate their desire to buy.

Indoor advertising LED display
Indoor LED screen for shopping mall

Technology empowers shopping mall advertising: LED displays innovative interpretation of brand vision

Behind these LED displays is the careful creation and presentation of brands and services by merchants. They use creativity and wisdom to perfectly combine advertising content with screen form to bring consumers a feast of vision and soul. With the progress and innovation of technology, the form and function of LED displays are also constantly enriching and expanding. From traditional flat LED screens to curved LED screens, transparent LED screens, interactive LED screens, Cube LED displays, the emergence of each new form has brought new possibilities and surprises to commercial advertising.

Creative LED display

Large outdoor LED screen new gameplay: creative evolution from brand display to emotional resonance

After reading the above, many people may simply think that the large outdoor LED screen is just a display of brand perception. With the development of 5G technology, the use of many large outdoor LED screens has begun to conform to the preferences of young people and break through traditional gameplay. For example, on the occasion of the Qixi Festival, Shenzhen launched an unprecedented urban romantic frenzy. Starting at 8 a.m., 10,000 large screens in nine districts of the city lit up at the same time, displaying the moving words “I love you.” Under these large LED screens, many citizens took pictures of this touching scene with their mobile phones, and the topic immediately hit the hot search in the same city, blowing up the Moments of Shenzhen people.

Large outdoor LED display

Large outdoor LED screens that combine elements such as local culture, hot topics, and hot memes can often bring better communication effects. For example, this summer, the word “fire” scrolled around on the outdoor advertising screen in a certain place, complaining about the hot weather. It seemed to be “crazy,” but in fact it accurately hit people’s current mood in a humorous or ironic way. Therefore, it is difficult for such a design not to generate strong emotional resonance in people.

Outdoor LED screen

Innovative application of large LED screens – a new benchmark for visual effects in traditional commercial complexes

Overall, large LED screens not only represent a static landmark, but also a visual symbol that is constantly changing with the changes of the times and popular culture. From the perspective of domestic innovation examples, large outdoor LED screens have surpassed traditional gameplay, attracting the attention of audiences through diverse means such as content, technology, and interaction, and even guiding offline traffic online with the help of 5G technology. Therefore, taking advantage of the advantages of large outdoor LED screens, it has successfully helped traditional commercial complexes achieve synergies in quality and efficiency.

large LED advertising screens

Combined with technology, the best display window for high-quality content

With the advent of the digital age, LED large screens have obvious advantages over traditional outdoor advertising signs in the promotion and display scenarios of building media, shopping centers, catering retail and other occasions. Advertising carriers have gradually developed into dynamic and multi-functional. Compared to traditional single-function billboards, the dynamic picture of full-color LED advertising has a stronger visual impact, helping brand advertising bring higher conversion rates.

Dual drivers of technology and creativity: large outdoor LED screens lead the new digital advertising trend

The first is technological innovation, and the second is to meet the needs of brand owners. Large outdoor LED screens continue to innovate in hardware and content, creating one classic case after another. For example, Chongqing, Chengdu, Shanghai, Beijing and other places have successively blown the whirlwind of naked eye 3D. After digitally upgrading traditional outdoor brands, naked-eye 3D technology is used to create interactive out-of-home advertising for consumers, and can form secondary communication online.

At the same time, with the combination of traditional culture and digital technology, large outdoor LED screens are becoming an innovative form of cultural tourism. Content determines traffic, which was a universal value in the advertising and marketing industry in the past. However, with the iteration and updating of technology, high-quality content has become the foundation for user retention. However, content king can no longer fully meet advertising needs. Only “technology + creativity” can make large outdoor screens burst into new vitality. At present, the cultural tourism industry is booming, and more and more tourist destinations rely on large-screen advertising to break out.

Large-screen landmarks combine traditional cultural symbols and digital technology to give tourists a strong visual experience and increase interest in watching and traveling. Modern large outdoor screens are no longer just used for advertising, but new landmarks and Internet celebrity clocks in cities that “bring their own traffic.” They have played a unique role in enhancing residents’ consumption, cultural tourism development and stimulating urban vitality.

Outdoor video wall

Grab traffic, outdoor big screen is the protagonist

In recent years, the brand industry has innovated marketing strategies, integrated large outdoor LED screens and traffic star influence, and successfully promoted sales and brand value-added. This strategy deepens the emotion between the brand and fans, builds close multi-dimensional interaction, and achieves a win-win situation. The event stimulates fan resonance, promotes spontaneous communication, enhances brand exposure and goodwill, and converts it into sales motivation. Ultimately, the event deepens the connection between brands and fans, achieves sales growth and brand perception improvement, and promotes deep interaction and win-win.

According to relevant reports, the concept of Generation Z consumption represented by the post-00s generation is changing from product consumption to emotional consumption. For Generation Z fans who are willing to pay for idols and their endorsement products, idols undoubtedly have a strong emotional identity and appeal. Traffic stars are closest to Generation Z, and brands can build links between brands and young consumers through traffic stars to enhance brand influence and brand awareness in Generation Z. And outdoor LED large screen + traffic stars can release the brand marketing potential of 1 + 1 > 2.

LED large screen for advertising
Large LED screen for event


In conclusion, compared with the advertising model of the past, the large outdoor LED screen, with its magnificent scale and brilliant colors, brings a strong visual impact to the viewer, deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and realizes the effective communication of advertising. In the future, combined with 5G, Internet of Things, AI and other technologies, it will realize multi-screen interactive technology, human-screen interactive technology, etc., to achieve two-way interaction with consumers, enhance brand impression and awareness. Let’s look forward to the potential of the LED large screen, and transformation creates endless possibilities.

3D LED digital billboard

Outdoor LED screens used in cities


Outdoor LED screens have become an indispensable visual element in the skyline of modern cities.

Outdoor LED screens have become an indispensable visual element in the skyline of modern cities. These high brightness and high-resolution screens not only add infinite charm to the urban night scene, but also provide an efficient platform for commercial promotion and public information dissemination. In this article, we will explore the multiple roles and innovative applications of outdoor LED screens in urban architecture.

Integrating Urban Texture

With the advancement of technology, LED screens have become a new type of material in the hands of architects and designers. They are not only passive advertising tools, but also able to integrate with architecture and become a part of architectural design. Designers use clever layout to coordinate LED screens with the exterior of the building, even reflecting its functions and characteristics, adding new dimensions and vitality to urban space.

Art Canvas Under the Night

Outdoor LED screens have transformed into huge digital canvases at night, showcasing various visual works from abstract art to street photography. These screens are not limited to commercial advertisements, but are increasingly being used in public art projects to provide aesthetic enjoyment for urban residents and tourists. In certain cities, during specific festivals or events, LED screens on buildings will display themed artworks to enhance the festive atmosphere.

The intersection of information

In addition to serving as a tool for advertising and artistic display, outdoor LED screens are also an important medium for conveying public information. In emergency situations, public safety information dissemination, and major event promotion, these screens can quickly convey key information to the public. By integrating intelligent technology, these screens can also display real-time data, such as weather forecasts, traffic conditions, etc., providing convenience for the daily lives of citizens.

The Integration of Business and Culture

In the commercial field, outdoor LED screens have become a powerful tool for brand building and marketing. Through dynamic visual effects and creative content, brands can quickly attract consumer attention and enhance brand influence. At the same time, by combining with cultural activities such as music festivals and art exhibitions, LED screens have become a platform for promoting cultural exchange and urban brand building.

Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency

With the increasing awareness of environmental protection, the energy efficiency and environmental friendliness of LED screens have become important considerations in design and application. Modern LED technology not only consumes low energy, but also has a long service life, reducing replacement frequency and maintenance costs. By using renewable energy sources such as solar energy to power these screens, the impact on the environment can be further reduced, and urban buildings can be promoted towards a green and sustainable development path.


The application of outdoor LED screen technology in urban architecture not only brings dazzling visual effects to the urban skyline, but also promotes innovation in information dissemination, commercial marketing, and public art. Through harmonious integration with architectural design, these screens have become symbols of modern urban culture and technological progress. With the continuous development of technology, outdoor LED screens will continue to play their unique charm in various aspects of urban life, bringing people a richer and more colorful visual experience.


The Best LED Screen Rental for Concert Adaptation

LED screens have revolutionized the visual landscape of modern concerts, transform them into immersive, multi-sensory experiences. They are widely used in modern concerts due to their high resolution, energy efficiency, and versatility. Follow this article, we will explore more about types of LED screen for concerts, and elevate the overall spectacle and audience engagement.

Types of LED Screens for Concerts

LED screens for concerts come in various types, each designed to meet specific needs and environments:

Indoor vs. Outdoor LED Screens:

Indoor LED screens are designed for controlled environments with lower brightness levels and less robust protection. They typically feature higher resolution due to closer viewing distances, producing sharper images, ideal for intimate venues. These screens are lighter and less robust compared to their outdoor counterparts. Outdoor LED screens are built to withstand baring weather conditions, including rain, wind, and extreme temperatures. They have stronger protective structures and are more durable, making them suitable for open-air concert and festivals.

Fixed vs. Mobile LED Screens:

Fixed LED screens are permanently installed at concert venues, providing consistent visual support for recurring events. Their installation involves substantial infrastructure but offers long-term stability and often better integration with the venue’s design and acoustics. Mobile LED screens, however, offer flexibility and portability. These screens can be easily transported and set up at different locations, making them ideal for touring concerts or multi-venue events. They are mounted or trailers or stands and can be adjusted in height, providing versatility in placement and viewing angles.

Modular LED Panels:

Modular LED panels offer great flexibility and ease of setup, making them popular for concerts. These panels can be assembled and disassembled quickly, allowing for rapid installation and breakdown between shows. Their modular nature enables creative freedom in screen size and shape, adapting to various stage designs and venue requirements. This adaptability makes modular LED panels an essential tool for modern concert productions, ensuring versatility and efficiency in setup and customization.

Key Features to Look for in Concert LED Screens

When selecting LED screen for concerts, several key features are crucial for delivering an exceptional visual experience for attendees:

1. Brightness and Contrast Ratio

Ensuring visibility in various lighting conditions in crucial for concert LED screens. Look for screens with brightness levels of at least 5,000 nits for outdoor use and 800-2,000 nits for indoor venues. High brightness levels ensure that the screen’s content is visible even in direct sunlight. A high contrast ratio is equally important, ensuring vibrant and clear images in varying lighting conditions. Screens with contrast ratio of 5000:1 or higher provide deep blacks and bright whites, enhances the visibility of details, crucial for creating an engaging concert experience.

2. Resolution and Pixel Pitch

High resolution is critical for clarity, especially when displaying detailed content or close-up shots of performers and important for large screens viewed from varying distances. A smaller pixel pitch results in higher pixel density, producing clearer and more detailed visuals. For concert screens, pixel pitches between 1.9mm and 10mm are common, depending on the viewing distance. Smaller pixel pitched(2.5mm-4mm) are ideal for closer viewing, while larger pitches(6mm- 10mm)work well for greater distances.

3. Refresh Rate

A high refresh rate is vital for smooth video playback and reducing motion blur, especially in dynamic concert environments. It ensures that fast-moving visuals, such as live performances and quick scene changes, appear fluid and seamless. Concert LED screens should have a refresh rate of at least 3840Hz to ensure fluid motion and compatibility with camera recording. Higher refresh rates contributes to a more immersive and engaging visual experience for the audience.

4. Viewing Angles

Wide viewing angles are essential to ensure that all audience members, regardless of their position, can see the screen clearly. Look for LED screens with viewing angels of 140 degrees or more, both horizontally and vertically. LED screens with broad viewing angles ensure that colors remain accurate and images stay sharp even when viewed from the sides. This feature is particularly important for large venues or outdoor concerts where the audience is spread out across a wide area.

Key Features To Look For In Concert Led Screens

Popular LED Screen Configurations for Concerts

There are some of the most common and effective setups for concerts LED screen which create immersive and visually stunning experiences.

Stage Backdrops: Large LED screens as stage backdrops have become a staple in modern concert. These screen serve as the primary visual element behind performance, displaying vibrant graphics, videos, and animations that enhance the overall concert experience. Stage backdrops often use modular panels to allow for custom shapes and sizes,adapting to various stage designs and venue requirements. To set the visual tone of the performance, synchronizing with the music and lighting to create a cohesive and captivating atmosphere.

Side Screens: For large venues and outdoor concerts, side screens are essential to enhance visibility for audience members farther from the stage. These screens often display close-up shots of the performers, ensuring that everyone, regardless of their seating location, can enjoy a detailed view of the action on stage. They are particularly useful in large venues or outdoor events where the distance between the stage and the audience can be significant. Side screens ensure that even those in the back rows can see the details of the performance, creating a more inclusive experience.

Floor LED Screens: Interactive floor LED screens are gaining popularity for their ability to create immersive experiences. These screens can display synchronized graphics that interact with the performers’ movements, adding a new dimension to the performance. Floor LED screens can create stunning visual effects, such as virtual environments or dynamic animations,enhancing the overall sensory experience for the audience and providing performers with an innovative platform for creative expression. They are durable and designed to withstand heavy use, making them suitable for live events.

Curved and 3D LED Screens: To add depth and dimension to concert visuals, curved and 3D LED screens are increasingly be used. Curved screens wrap around the stage, providing a panoramic view that enhances the audience’s sense of immersion. 3D LED screens, which use specialized technology to create the illusion of three-dimensional images without the need for 3D glasses. These configuration add a wow factors to concerts, creating memorable visual moments that complement the music.

Rental vs. Purchase: Making the Right Choice

When deciding between renting and purchasing LED screens for concerts, cost is a significant factor. Renting LED screens often proves more cost-effective for on-off events or infrequent use. Purchasing LED screens involves a substantial upfront investment, which might be impractical for occasional events. MuenLED rental services provide flexible rental options, ensuring you get the best value for your budget without compromising on quality. In addition, we offer comprehensive technical training to empower to master the latest technology. This training serves as a solid guarantee for events manager looking to vigorously expand their market presence.

Owning LED screens comes with ongoing maintenance and repair costs. Rental services typically handle maintenance, repair, and updates, reducing the burden on event organizers. This is particularly beneficial for those without dedicated technical staff.

Renting offers greater flexibility, allowing organizers to choose the most suitable screen size, resolution, and configuration for each specific event and venue. This feature is especially valuable for touring concerts or events in varied locations. MuenLED  rental and staging LED provides an excellent solution for concert organizers and event planners.


By investing in high-quality LED technology, concert organizers can create unforgettable, immersive events that captivate audiences and enhance the emotional impact of live music. Whether through rental or purchase, high-quality LED screens are essential for creating memorable, dynamic performances. Choose MuenLED for reliable and innovative solutions tailored to your event needs.


What is the XR Virtual LED Screen?

XR Technology has begun to enter the public’s field of vision. More and more scenes such as concerts, conferences, film shooting scenes, and TV shows have begun to use high-tech and realistic XR technology to realize more possibilities for creation. With the blessing of 5G, the popularization of extended reality XR technology is the general trend. It builds a virtual world and interacts with the real world to finally achieve the perfect integration of virtual and reality.


What is XR Virtual LED Screen Technology?

XR (Extended Reality) is a term used to describe an environment or interactive behavior that combines virtual and real elements.

Except that XR usually includes AR (augmented reality), VR (virtual reality), and MR (mixed reality), it also has special meaning in film, television, broadcasting, and live entertainment production.

At present, XR has become the mainstream of the virtual studio industry. In the industry description a few years ago, XR is more like a general description of AR and VR technology. It can be used to refer to an integrated system that includes the virtual and real world, and can even be equivalent to a specific motion capture technology, AR application, or VR games.

In the field of content production, it is specifically referred to as a workflow that includes an LED display, a camera tracking system, and a powerful graphics engine. It is a virtual production method that places performers in a virtual world in real-time without the need for a green screen and post-production process.

XR virtual technology combined with LED screen

XR Virtual LED Studio wall green screen is a one-stop solution for almost any films production needed. XR LED wall screen allows you to create unique locations in one room for executing all kinds of ideas for music videos, movies, advertisements, TV shows, online broadcasts.

In combination with the BOLT Camera Robot, you can not only do stunning locations but also use the unreal movement of the camera for great shots.

Through the XR technology + LED screen, the actors are directly exposed to the “real scene”, which greatly saves the cost of film and television production. This innovative production method can directly replace the traditional green screen and obtain higher value. It is becoming the film industry and LED The display industry is very concerned about it.

XR technology has also begun to enter the public’s field of vision, and has been applied to more and more scenes such as concerts, press conferences, movie shooting scenes, and TV shows.


The rise of XR technology and the combination of LED screen have made virtual productions shine in the film and television production industry.

The reason why LED display screens are widely used in virtual production is not only because it is more compatible with XR technology, but also has a better boost to the performance of actors’ acting skills and video post-production.

XR video production with LED display screen as the background, first of all, uses real-time rendering technology to restore the photo-level dynamic digital scene on the LED display screen, build the shooting scene, output the composite through the media server, and use the camera tracking system to locate the space and location Information, real-time mapping of the spatial relationship between the characters and the scene, real-time presentation and output of a virtual scene without blind spots, and in this real-time rendering of the shooting scene, actors can directly interact with the virtual and visible scene, this kind of physical reference Compared with the traditional performance without physical objects, the scene allows the actors to experience a more realistic sensory performance environment, allowing the actors to quickly enter the play.

XR Virtual LED vs Green Screen

In the traditional green-screen shooting environment, it often takes a lot of time to perform fine keying and repair the problem of color overflow. Compared with the traditional green screen, the LED display solves this problem. The shooting team can interact with the LED display in the created 3D environment. During this process, the shooting team can not only edit the content in real-time., It can also carry out precise tracking of pixels, and perform perspective correction on high-resolution rendered 3D images.

After the accurate camera tracking system is added, the camera begins to move around the seamlessly combined real and virtual elements in the LED environment. Let the audience watching through the camera’s perspective produce the illusion of fusion and immersion; secondly, since the shooting scene is generated by the LED display, it supports importing conventional pictures, 360° panoramic pictures and videos, 3D models, and external camera signals into the studio to realize the scene Switching freely at any time, LED display stage technology and playback technology have greatly reduced the post-production time and difficulty for the visual special effects department, and the time cost and shooting cost of video production have also been greatly reduced; moreover, the LED stage combined with XR technology is in The highlights, reflections, and rebounds presented on the film reflective suits are more accurate.

Therefore, the use of LED display combined with XR technology for shooting can make the director directly feel the real-time images on the spot, shorten the workflow, and greatly reduce the workload of the later stage. While improving production efficiency, it can also create more magical scenes according to the director’s needs. In addition, virtual production solves the cost of crew transportation and environmental waiting costs for location shooting. Simply put, the crew can produce and modify the required environment at any time without waiting for the rain or sunset.


Benefits of XR Virtual LED Sreen

Higher flexibility

No need for complicated and expensive set designs. XR Virtual  LED display can be spliced into different shapes to meet the shooting needs. Virtual production background can be changed without limitation to save the cost of set transfer and long-time post-production.

Unlimited creativity

Boundless creativity can be generated and presented on the XR Virtual  LED walls. By interfacing with the camera, LED walls can be virtually extended into a full virtual world even under a single environment.

Realistic restoration

7680Hz extreme high refresh rate, 16bit+ grayscale, 1500nit brightness, accurate color restoration and no color cast from different angles add value to XR Virtual LED screens to restore a realistic filming background without color spill brought from green-screen production.

Real-time production

Virtual environment is being generated on the server in real time. Tweaking is allowed on location to perfect the produced content. The shorten workflows streamline the post-production process and ease budget and time pressure.

Strong compatibility

XR Virtual LED display provides high compatibility & interoperability with the real-time rendering engines (Unreal Engine, Notch), media servers and platforms (Disguise, Pixotope) and tracking equipment systems (Mo-sys, Stype, BlackTrax, Optitrack, Vicon, etc.).

Immersive performance

XR Virtual Dynamic digital background is no doubt providing a more immersive environment to actors and actresses on set to perfect their performance than traditional green or blue screens.

How does XR technology integrate with LED screens?

Through high-quality LED display products, powerful media servers, and camera tracking systems, the display medium (LED/projection bowl screen) and the virtual scene outside the display medium can track the camera’s perspective in real-time, and synthesize with the actual shooting picture in front of the camera lens. Create a sense of infinite space.

Using XR technology, the performance design team can cover the real world outside the LED live screen in real-time, and complete intuitive expansion processing. At the same time, the camera tracking uses MR mixed reality technology, so that the live camera in the live broadcast and the digital camera in the game is always consistent and synchronized. XR extended reality technology can provide high-quality virtual production services for film, TV, and event production.

What are the high requirements for LED display products in the application of XR technology in the film and television industry?

1. High color reproduction and low brightness and high gray technology

High contrast, high color reproduction, and low-brightness and high-gray technology enhance the sense of hierarchy and vividness, which can easily cope with the whole tracking and shooting of the camera. The captured image must display the details and information clearly.

2. Ultra-wide viewing angle

When the camera is shot at various angles, the ultra-wide viewing angle ensures that the screen quality is not lost due to angle changes, maps the spatial relationship between the characters and the scene in real-time, and presents and outputs a virtual scene without blind spots in real-time.

3. High refresh rate

The high refresh rate ensures that no reflected light spots including moiré appear on the screen surface.

4. Super brightness adjustment

Adapt to the brightness of different environments in the virtual studio site, and display better performance.

5. Low latency, real-time monitoring, synchronous switching of any signal

Ultra-low latency ensures that the playback content is displayed synchronously; the rapid switching of virtual scenes in the virtual studio requires real-time monitoring of the screen’s operation on site, and realizes remote control of the content of the display in real-time, feedback problems in time, and proposes solutions.

To ensure normal shooting. At the same time, it is also necessary to ensure that any signal is switched synchronously to adapt to different virtual scenes and abundant signal sources.

What can XR technology bring to the film and television industry?

In virtual studio shooting, compared with the traditional green screen technology, the combination of XR extended reality technology and the display screen allows the director to directly experience the real-time images on the spot, shortening the workflow, greatly reducing the workload of the later stage, and increasing At the same time of production efficiency, it can create more magical scenes according to the director’s needs, and realize the shooting of large scenes in a small space.

XR extended reality technology and LED display are mutually empowering, leading the innovative development of immersive technology and LED display, and will become the vane of virtual production in the film and television industry! With the rapid development of China’s film industrialization process, XR extended reality technology, as the ultimate form of visual presentation in the future, will be popularized on the production line of the film industry just around the corner.

Immersive XR LED Virtual Studio Display Solution

The three-dimensional LED giant screen makes the shooting scene ever-changing. The shooting scene is generated by the three-dimensional LED giant screen. It supports importing conventional pictures, 360° panoramic pictures and videos, three-dimensional models, and external camera signals into the studio to realize the free switching of scenes at any time. The full-view display MG7S series has one screen for universal use, and the personalized advantages of one screen for all kinds of changes, bringing more creative space.



Reasons for choosing an outdoor naked eye 3D LED large screen display device.

In recent years, the demand for outdoor advertising has continued to rise, and the technology of outdoor LED Large screens has continued to mature.

Outdoor 3D LED Large Screens Display have become the mainstream of today’s media & advertising. High-quality advertising Image, rich colors, and full-feeling dynamic advertising images and videos. At present, the “pattern” of outdoor LED displays has changed. Many businesses have developed a new visual experience, combined with naked-eye 3D display technology, to give people an extremely realistic and highly immersive visual sensory experience.

Outdoor Naked eye 3D LED advertising has fully demonstrated its diverse display charm, so that high-end luxury goods, fast-moving consumer goods, technology products, and other industries have more strong advertising needs and forms.




Adhaiwell supply outdoor naked-eye 3D LED screen display with a high refresh rate, high grayscale and high contrast can not only express the details of the dark and bright parts clearly and vividly but also can easily display realistic 3D content. The realistic effect makes the audience feel the immersive experience effect.


It is understood that the wave tank in Seoul, South Korea, simulates the turbulent 3D LED scene of sea waves, and gives people an immersive feeling through sound effects, light and shadow blending and other forms. It can be seen that the visual sensory experience is gradually becoming a “hard standard” in the development of the latest LED displays.

Compared with the traditional large LED screen, the traditional outdoor display large screenplays an advertisement, making it an important “landscape” and “landmark” of internet celebrity in the city and then adding vitality to the city and the influence of the commercial street. This is the visual art era and the development direction of the big 3D LED screen.


It is understood that on October 2, 2020, “Chengdu Taikoo Li Spaceship” was listed on Weibo China’s top 5 real-time search list, with 320 million views and 56,000 discussions. In addition, on the Douyin platform, “Chengdu Taikoo Li Spaceship” is also very popular, with a single video likes 200,000+ and tens of millions of views. Through this case, the emerging naked-eye 3D LED screen technology is even more illustrative, and sometimes creativity and content are more important. People’s pursuit of vision must be creative and novel, cleverly displayed, and interesting in content, rather than a single boring 2D plane display.

Therefore, when the 3D LED screen display is applied, it is necessary to combine technology and creativity, and at the same time, pay attention to the development of the scene. Only in this way can the visual sensory experience of the 3D LED display be more colorful.


Application value of outdoor 3D LED screen:

1. Precise delivery, covering the target circle at zero distance

Outdoor large 3D LED screens are mainly concentrated in the urban core CBD business district, traffic arterial roads with dense traffic, high-end residential walls, etc., providing advertisers with rich and accurate placement options. 3D LED large-screen advertisements are concentrated in areas with high and vigorous urban consumer demand and have huge space value. The LED large-screen advertising in the core business district has three characteristics: the cost per 1,000 people per day is as low as $20, the traffic volume is as high as 850,000 per day, and the stay in front of the screen is about 7 minutes per person.


2. The value of precise marketing and the aggregation of target groups

3D LED large-screen advertisements are concentrated in locations with high consumer demand and economic activity, and closely follow the consumer’s life and work scenes, allowing the target group to lock the brand name at a glance, ensuring the advertising’s effectiveness Accurately reach and improve marketing value. According to related data research, most of the people locked in the outdoor LED screen are people with stable jobs. Among them, 74% of middle and high-level managers, white-collar workers account for more than 60%, and relatively strong spending power, especially focusing on technology products and financial management. , Automobiles, tourism, apparel, real estate, and other products.




3. The advertising effect is transformed quickly, which helps the audience to recognize and transform the advertising effect

A very significant feature of outdoor 3D LED large-screen media is that it attracts the attention of target audiences within an effective period of time. Both advertisers and media operators are more inclined to broadcast powerful big brands and various industries on outdoor 3D LED large-screen media. Leading brand advertising, because this kind of media has a greater influence on brand and product impression enhancement, and it has a long time to deepen the impression of audiences, so audience behavior is affected by advertising. It will be important for consumers to purchase in order to generate subsequent behavioral intentions.

4. Demonstrate the value of a “high-end” brand and establish a high-quality brand impressive

Foreseeable from the data, in the eyes of the audience, 3D LED display ads to have more shocking, strong stereoscopic impact, high quality, high-end fashion, huge area, and eye-catching advantages than canvas ads and light box ads. The brand and product advertisements put on it have a “high-end” impressive value, which improves the audience’s acceptance of the brand.

5. Effectively cover the audience with a high reaching rate

The large outdoor 3D LED screen has a large LED screen area, clear picture quality, brilliant colors, and can bring strong visual impact. It is easy to attract the attention of the audience. This is conducive to the effective transmission and understanding of the information of the 3D LED large-screen media, and the audience coverage is wide. The characteristics of the system can achieve a very high rate of attainment.

6. Unique space value

Most of the outdoor large 3D LED screens are set up in the city’s core business districts and other places with a large flow of people. With the development of society and the improvement of people’s living standards, these prosperous business districts and functional places have become the mainstream of the urban population. The main event venue, so outdoor 3D LED large screen media has the characteristics of scarcity, core, etc., this media form has great marketing value and quality.



With the widespread application of 5G and 8K technologies, the future of naked-eye 3D high-definition LED displays is even more immeasurable. The upgrade of outdoor LED displays is also imperative to make outdoor 3D LED large screens more intelligent. MuenLED has rich case experience for LED large screens, helping various fields and industries to provide high-quality commercial display solutions experts.


World famous naked eye 3D LED advert creative design

Naked eye 3D vision is full of “deterrents”. Every time the naked eye 3D videos appear, it will attract a large number of passers-by audiences.

Kérastase Naked-eye 3D Video




Adhaiwell collected a variety of Famous Naked-eye 3D Ads Creative Cases from different countries today to see which one is more attractive to you.

Naked-eye 3D means that the naked eye can directly see the stereoscopic visual effect without using external equipment such as glasses and helmets on the special LED screen. The imaging principle of naked-eye 3D basically comes from human binocular parallax.

Naked eye visual effect ≠ Glasses-free 3D technology. The naked-eye 3D visual effect is more of a pseudo-three-dimensional effect formed by optical illusion, while naked-eye 3D is an imaging technology. Glasses-free 3D technology, the current mainstream mainly includes light barrier technology, lenticular lens technology, integrated imaging technology, etc.

Most of the naked-eye 3D LED animation videos listed in this article to belong to naked-eye 3D visual effects. Although they are not Glasses-free 3D technology in the true sense, they present various surprising three-dimensional effects through the creativity of designers.

Powercell Skinmunity Naked eye 3D Video


The selected naked-eye 3D LED animation videos come from more than 10 countries, including China, the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, South Korea, Germany, Japan, Italy, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Romania, Serbia, Mozambique, and the Czech Republic, and are represented in form, content, and concept.

What new possibilities are there for naked-eye 3D visual effects or technologies in the future? We hope that this simple collection can bring some inspiration to relevant designers.


South Korea:

Naked Eye 3D: Soft Life

What would it be like to turn a rigid and boring life into a soft state?

Naked Eye 3D Soft Life Korea

Naked Eye 3D Dog Korea


D’strict, a creative team from South Korea, turned this vision into reality, where people, objects or animals, and plants in everyday life become soft and flexible, they collide with each other in a 3D “closed space”, but live in harmony, giving the passing audience a chance Bring a relaxing and pleasant visual sensory experience.


Chengdu, China

Xiaomi Mobile phone naked eye 3D animation

New product launching

Xiaomi Mobile Naked eye 3D Animation Video Announce


The naked-eye 3D CG image created for the Xiaomi Mi 11 made the Xiaomi mobile phone fly out of the 3D LED screen and exhibited it in the real scene of the naked-eye 3D large screen in Chengdu. The shocking vision of the huge mobile phone breaking through the screen attracted the crowd to stop and watch, and the super visual impact further highlighted the thin and light body design of Xiaomi’s new flagship phone and the brilliant color glass transparency.

Naked eye 3D Panda in China


Baby panda stealing the limelight on the streets of Chengdu

Watch them eat bamboo and play.

You can watch the naked-eye 3D LED video all day.



Naked eye 3D DNA City Life

Italy naked eye 3D DNA city life


Italian artist Fabio Volpi created a naked-eye 3D digital artwork for a building on the streets of Milan. This naked-eye 3D visual image creative comes from the DNA sequence. Through this work, the artist expresses that each building may have its own life and also enriches urban culture Life.



Russia & USA:

Naked eye 3D shows in Times Square, New York

Naked eye 3D show in Times Square New York


Russian creative team RADUGADESIGN’s recent new work for the ZAZ10TS competition, facing the challenge of Alone Together (group loneliness), in the naked-eye 3D video, expresses people’s general desire to leave where they are and get out as soon as possible, although no one knows if all this What can we have when it happens


South Korea:

Naked Eye 3D: Dancing People

What would it be like to mix people of different cultures and personalities together?

Naked Eye 3D Dancing People in Korea

Naked Eye 3D Dancing People Korea

Naked Eye 3D Dancing People Artistic Expression

The naked-eye 3D LED animation work “Artistic Expression” created by the Korean creative team d’strict shows the dancing of two people with no obvious identity in a 3D closed space.

They reach out and touch each other, as if to break free from the shackles of spatial dimensions, in the digital world. Traveling back and forth with the real world, and finally getting together again, the creative team hopes to present a vision of a future harmonious world through this naked-eye 3D work.



Naked Eye 3D: Street New York

LOUIS VUITTON 5th Avenue VR Concept


Naked eye 3D Ball face

Taking inspiration from the world around him, Shane blends computer graphics into realistic contexts in an attempt to form public art exhibits. His hyperreal style, which frequently defies the laws of physics, plays with space, time, and texture to create feasts for the eyes.

Naked eye 3D Aquarium soggy potato chips in glass jar

Naked eye 3D Chips Aquarium:   Looks like soggy potato chips in the water of a glass jar.

3D Ball in tunnel of building


Within each concept, seemingly mundane real-world settings are transformed into eye-catching installations, blurring the line between fiction and reality.

A sea of spherical objects that swirl around the space, ricocheting off the walls, windows, and each other. The artwork went viral after it captivated viewers on social media, accruing over 17 million views online.



Naked eye 3D video shows advertising creativity

Japan naked eye 3D cat


The 3D cat swiped the 3D LED screen as soon as it debuted.

Different from the common cool style of advertising.

The naked eye 3D cat video sends a lazy beauty to the rushing office workers.


Nike naked eye 3D vidoe ads



Nike’s anniversary naked-eye 3D LED ad

Fusion of Japanese style + mechanical sense

After seeing the 3D video ad, I want to place an order at once.

The commercial value of a naked-eye 3D large led screen is extremely high.

The naked eye 3D LED advertising is actually a 3D visual effect creative + advanced 3D LED Screen + specific observation position.

Ocean waves, spaceships, light rails, pandas, lions, star appearances… All these elements have become the inspiration for the creation of naked-eye 3D advertising videos. The outdoor 3D LED media industry is quietly emerging with a technology trend of glasses-free 3D vision.

Artists and designers from all over the world have poured in to use their creative visual imaginations to create refreshing three-dimensional effects for outdoor media, and push them on the Internet and social hot searches, arousing the curiosity and onlookers of the audience.


Outdoor 3D LED Advertising – The Future of LED Display Marketing is Unlimited

In recent years, LED Advertising Display has achieved relatively rapid development in both technology and application creativity. Transparent LED screens Display, Glasses-free 3D LED display technology, and other new technologies and new ideas emerge in an endless stream. MuenLED display products, which can be flexibly combined and LED screens can be small or large, indoor or outdoor, have merged and collided with new LED technologies, resulting in innovative applications such as curved LED screens and dynamic LED poster display, which broadened the application range of LED advertising displays.

Compared with other outdoor advertising media solutions, LED advertising has unique communication value. For example, the Glass Curtain Wall Transparent LED Display, on the one hand, has a clear and eye-catching picture, dazzling colors, high transparency, wide viewing angle, and has a strong visual impact; on the other hand, it has a high arrival rate and wide coverage. At present, glass curtain wall transparent LED displays are generally installed on buildings with glass curtain walls, such as commercial buildings, banks, large shopping malls, shopping malls, theaters, etc. These places are mostly urban business districts, arterial roads, and densely populated places.


In addition to basic publishing and exposure functions, LED media advertisements set up in the city’s core business districts also have a special function to promote consumption: 3D LED display that vividly displays brand new content when consumers are standing at the door of the mall and hesitatesLarge Naked eye 3D LED screens can accelerate consumers’ purchasing decisions. Internet celebrity superstars live broadcast to sell the brand mobile phone  by 3D LED Screen.



LED technology continues to make new breakthroughs, and its applications are becoming more and more extensive. Compared with other outdoor media solutions,Large Naked eye 3D LED screens display videos and dynamic pictures, and the audience “cost per thousand” is lower, and advertisers’ investment is not high.




Large Naked eye 3D LED screens are a necessity for the modern development of urban landscapes in the future. “It is precise because of the brilliant and colorful LED screen that a city can show the charm of people’s diversified life as much as possible, and demonstrate the vitality of the city. With the development of 5G, LED advertising will shine even more.”


LED outdoor advertising screens not only fill the gaps in the night landscape of third- and fourth-tier cities, but also urban image buildings equipped with LED outdoor advertising screens are expected to become a new landmark of the city. Most third- and fourth-tier cities are still waiting or are just being developed, which will attract more and more LED display manufacturers to sink the marketing and seek business opportunities in emerging third- and fourth-tier cities.