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Outdoor LED display screen to do what protective measures.

Outdoor LED display installation should do a good job of protection, maintenance measures, in order to prevent the outdoor environment on the normal use of led display caused by the impact. So, outdoor LED display to do what protective measures?

Outdoor LED display protective measures:
1, for the installation of building and screen lightning measures
In order to allow the display to avoid strong electromagnetic attacks caused by lightning, the display screen and outside the protective layer of packaging must remain grounded, and the resistance of the grounded line should be less than 3 ohms, which can make the current caused by lightning can be discharged from the ground line in time.
2, the whole screen waterproof dust moisture measures
In the box and the box connection, as well as the screen and the force to install the object to achieve seamless connection, to avoid water leakage and moisture. In the interior of the screen body to have good drainage and ventilation measures, if there is water inside the situation can be dealt with in a timely manner.
3, on the choice of circuit chips

In the northeastern region of China, winter temperatures can generally reach minus ten degrees, so in the choice of circuit chips, must choose the operating temperature in the negative 40 degrees Celsius refers to 80 degrees Celsius degrees of industrial-grade chips, to avoid the emergence of the temperature is too low to cause the display can not start the situation.

4, the screen body should be good ventilation measures
The screen will produce a certain amount of heat when the power running work, if the heat can not be discharged, accumulated to a certain extent, will cause the internal ambient temperature is too high, the work of the cumulative circuitry has an impact on the serious can lead to burn, so the display can not run work. Therefore, it is necessary to do a good job of the screen body of the internal ventilation and heat dissipation measures, the temperature of the internal environment to maintain a negative 10 degrees to 40 degrees between

5, the choice of bright wick
Selected a high luminous brightness of the LED lamp, can let us in direct sunlight, still show good results, but also enhance the contrast with the surrounding environment, so that the audience of the picture is wider, in the distance, wide angle of view of the place, still have a good performance.

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