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The way LED displays are used on a daily basis.

1.LED display regularly check the firmness of the hanging joints, such as loose phenomenon, pay attention to timely adjustment, re-enforcement or update the hanging parts.
2. Regularly check the line, switch inspection, keep the switch dry, to avoid leakage, electric shock accident.
3. You can use air conditioning to dehumidify the room, place desiccant and physical moisture absorption methods to keep dry and prevent the display from moisture.
4. During the rainy season, it is recommended that the display be used at least once a week for at least 2 hours each time.
5. Moderate ventilation indoors, you can let the water vapour attached to the display evaporate quickly, reduce the humidity of the indoor environment.
6. LED display is not used for a long time, should be frequently powered maintenance debugging; if not used for a long time, and then enabled when it is likely to appear dead lights and blind spots, so often powered to light up the screen debugging is very necessary.



Full-colour LED display four major accessories

Full colour LED display is assembled by many accessories.
1, power supply:
The stability and performance of the power supply determines the performance of the display is good or bad, a variety of models equipped with the power supply is also a good idea. the power supply required by the LED display is calculated according to the power of the unit board, a variety of models with different needs.
2, cabinet:
Cabinet is based on the size, multiple unit boards to form a cabinet, multiple cabinets and then assembled into a screen. Cabinets are professionally built, there are simple cabinets, waterproof cabinets and die-casting cabinets.
3, module:
LED module is composed of kit, bottom shell, mask and so on, full colour LED display is composed of one LED module, that is, we now see the led big screen.
4, control system:
Control system is an important part of the display, video transmission are transmitted through the sending card, video card transmission to the full-colour LED display receiver card, and then by the receiver card will signal segmentation transmission to the HUB board: in the receiver card above the installation of an adapter board (generally also called into the HUB board), the receiver card to transfer data to the adapter board, and then the adapter board data through the row of wires transmitted to the display case of a single row or column of full-colour LED display modules Then the data on the adapter board is transmitted to the single row or single column of the full-colour LED display module of the display box through the row line, and then the data between the LED module and the LED module is also connected through the row line. For LED indoor full-colour display receiving algorithm and LED outdoor full-colour display is different, because LED indoor screen and LED outdoor screen pixel point and scanning method are different, so there is a difference in the LED receiving card. led display control, debugging is mainly related to led display control system.

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Why can’t indoor led screens be used outdoors?

Some customers bought indoor LED screen, used for a period of time, the company has activities need to be used outdoors, in order to save costs, want to use the indoor led screen in the outdoor can?

Customers who have such an idea do not know about LED screen. Can give you a definite answer, indoor LED screen to outdoor use is not realistic, the reasons are as follows:

  1. Brightness limitations. Indoor LED screen brightness requirements are not high, with a dynamic scanning circuit, outdoor LED screen brightness is higher for high, is a static scanning circuit, the two hardware differences.
  2. waterproof limitations. LED electronic display screen indoor screen structure requirements are not waterproof or simple waterproof treatment, while the outdoor LED screen on waterproof requirements are very high, in the production of cables and boxes and other good waterproofing treatment, so there is a difference in the structure of the box itself on the requirements.
  3. Viewing distance limitations. Indoor LED screen requirements viewing distance, model is generally P3, P4, P5, P6, so the area is generally not large, within 15 square metres, while the outdoor LED screen requirements viewing distance is farther away, the model is generally P8, P10, etc., so it determines the area is larger, generally more than 30 square feet.

Summary: indoor LED screen and outdoor LED screen due to the brightness, waterproof treatment, model selection is different, resulting in the beginning of production, raw materials, accessories, boxes and other hardware is different, so it is not good to change, to change will only be more than enough, so it is recommended not to go to just change.

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What information do you need to provide when choosing an LED display?

1, the installation environment:

Stage LED display installation environment, indoor or outdoor, installation mode, whether fixed installation or removable demolition (commonly known as rental LED display), of which fixed installation is generally lower than the removable demolition installation costs, because the mobile installation to increase the material (box air box, etc.).

2, viewing distance:

Provide stage LED display viewing distance.

3、Model specification:

Please specify the stage LED display specifications to be selected, if you are not sure, welcome to call the sales staff. Widely used in the field of stage choreography, covering the mainstream models on the market: P2.5,P2.9, P3.9 P4, P4.8, P5.95, etc., welcome to consult.

4, screen size:

Please specify the area of the stage rental LED display to be done to determine the specific length and width dimensions of the display, so that Withem can give you a detailed stage rental LED display quotation programme. If you only know the approximate area, for the stage LED display size specification model selection, you need to take into account both the display area and viewing distance.


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What factors affect LED displays the most.

LED display and other items, as in the use of this or that problem and precautions.

1, thermal design

LED work will heat up, high temperature will affect the decay rate and stability of LED, so the PCB board heat dissipation design, body ventilation heat dissipation design will affect the performance of LED.

2、Mixed light

The same colour with different brightness grade LED need to mix the light, or according to the discrete law design of the light insertion chart for the insertion of the light, in order to ensure that the whole screen the consistency of the brightness of each colour. This process, if there is a problem, there will be a large screen local brightness inconsistency, directly affecting the display effect of the LED screen.

3, design current value

LED nominal current of 20mA, generally recommended that its maximum current is not more than 80% of the nominal value, especially for point spacing is very small screen, due to poor heat dissipation conditions, should also reduce the current value. According to experience, due to the inconsistency of red, green and blue LED attenuation rate, targeted to reduce the current value of blue and green LEDs, in order to maintain the consistency of the white balance of the large screen after a long period of time.

4, drive circuit design

Large screen module on the driver circuit board driver IC layout will also affect the brightness of the LED. As the driver IC output current in the PCB board transmission distance is too far, will make the transmission path voltage drop is too large to affect the normal operating voltage of the LED resulting in a reduction in its brightness. We often find that the LED brightness around the large screen module is lower than the middle, is the reason. Therefore, to ensure that the brightness of the large screen – consistency, we must design a good distribution of drive circuits.

5, control the verticality of the light

For direct insertion of LEDs, over the furnace to have enough technology to ensure that the LED is perpendicular to the PCB board. Any deviation will affect the consistency of the brightness of the LED has been set up, the appearance of inconsistent brightness of the colour block.

6, false soldering control

LED large screen in the LED does not light up, there is often more than 50% probability for various types of virtual welding caused by, such as LED pin virtual welding, IC pin virtual welding, row pin row mother virtual welding. Improvement of these problems need to strictly improve the process and strengthen the quality inspection to solve. Vibration test before leaving the factory is also a good inspection method.

7, over the wave soldering temperature and time

Shall strictly control the wave soldering temperature and time over the furnace, it is recommended that: preheating temperature of 100 ℃ ℃ ± 5 ℃, the maximum does not exceed 120 ℃, the eye preheating temperature rise requires a smooth, welding temperature of 245 ℃ C ± 5 ℃, welding time is recommended to be no more than 3 seconds, over the furnace, do not vibrate or punch in the hit LED until the return to the state of room temperature. Wave soldering machine temperature parameters to be tested regularly, which is determined by the characteristics of the LED, overheating or fluctuating temperatures will directly damage the LED or cause LED quality hazards, especially for small sizes such as 3mm round and oval LED.

8, anti-static

LED large screen assembly plant should have good anti-static measures. Special anti-static ground, anti-static floor, anti-static soldering iron, anti-static table mat, anti-static ring, anti-static clothing, humidity control, equipment grounding (especially the foot cutter) are basic requirements, and to use static electricity meter to test regularly.


Service content of our company


1.Setup all-weather hotline and online service;

2.Introduce product performance to customers, and analyze the advantages of this product and the same industry;

3.according to the actual site and use of the situation, for the user to evaluate, choose the most reasonable plan; provide customers with the most reasonable and practical renderings and construction drawings;

5.professional and technical personnel on-site installation,commissioning, to achieve the user’s needs; provide customers with LED display system operation and maintenance business training;

7.Make advertising films for customers;

8.the company’s maintenance personnel regularly tour maintenance(in the field of 12 months, the Pearl River Delta region is generally 6 months);

9.if the display fails, after receiving the maintenance call, 2 hours to respond, with in 48 hours to send someone to

The scene to enter the maintenance;

10.our company’s display users can enjoy free software upgrade services.

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Outdoor LED display screen to do what protective measures.

Outdoor LED display installation should do a good job of protection, maintenance measures, in order to prevent the outdoor environment on the normal use of led display caused by the impact. So, outdoor LED display to do what protective measures?

Outdoor LED display protective measures:
1, for the installation of building and screen lightning measures
In order to allow the display to avoid strong electromagnetic attacks caused by lightning, the display screen and outside the protective layer of packaging must remain grounded, and the resistance of the grounded line should be less than 3 ohms, which can make the current caused by lightning can be discharged from the ground line in time.
2, the whole screen waterproof dust moisture measures
In the box and the box connection, as well as the screen and the force to install the object to achieve seamless connection, to avoid water leakage and moisture. In the interior of the screen body to have good drainage and ventilation measures, if there is water inside the situation can be dealt with in a timely manner.
3, on the choice of circuit chips

In the northeastern region of China, winter temperatures can generally reach minus ten degrees, so in the choice of circuit chips, must choose the operating temperature in the negative 40 degrees Celsius refers to 80 degrees Celsius degrees of industrial-grade chips, to avoid the emergence of the temperature is too low to cause the display can not start the situation.

4, the screen body should be good ventilation measures
The screen will produce a certain amount of heat when the power running work, if the heat can not be discharged, accumulated to a certain extent, will cause the internal ambient temperature is too high, the work of the cumulative circuitry has an impact on the serious can lead to burn, so the display can not run work. Therefore, it is necessary to do a good job of the screen body of the internal ventilation and heat dissipation measures, the temperature of the internal environment to maintain a negative 10 degrees to 40 degrees between

5, the choice of bright wick
Selected a high luminous brightness of the LED lamp, can let us in direct sunlight, still show good results, but also enhance the contrast with the surrounding environment, so that the audience of the picture is wider, in the distance, wide angle of view of the place, still have a good performance.