front service3

Front Access LED Display Solution

There 2 kinds for front access LED Display, one is use front access cabinets and the other is front access modules. But which one is better for my project? Here is our advert.
Here is our solution. If your project’s height is below 2.8 meters, then you should use front access cabinets to save cost. The modules is keep the same as back service. Cabinet only need more $30 for per square meter, but you save a lot from structure cost. Why maximum height is 2.8 meter? Because the maximum height of a front access cabinet is 3 meter. longer than that height will makes the cabinet too heavies to hold it’s structurer, some time will even have security prolem. ” But if my project height is longer than 2.8 meter can I use 2 front access cabinet?” the answer is no, the front access cabinet need a scroll space to open it for maintance, like the below picture.



For project which height is longer than 2.8 meter, and the structure must be front access, Use front access LED Display Modules is the best choice. Usually the modules is 4 times larger than back service modules, some the price is higher


asynchronous led controller 2

LED Display Control System

LED Display control system is very important for a whole screen. People use call them  LED control card in this industrial.  Usually The system is consist of 2 part, one is  sending part make of sending card; and recieving part made of recieving cards.   There is  2 kinds of control  systems, one is Synchronous control system, the other is asynchronous.  Widely used Synchronous control cards is Linsn, Nova, famouse asynchronous control Dbstar and HD.

Synchronous card will Synchronously display what is show on your PC to the LED Display you set up. You need keep your PC on and then sending card can recieved content from you PC, and then it will distribute the content to receiver card, fianally the LED screen will show what is get from the reciever card.



For asynchronously control system,  first, you edit the display content on your PC, and then save it to U-disk or to a remote server.  The asynchronous sending card will read the content from U-disk or remote server and distrute the content to receiver cards.


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LED Display Structurer Design

If you have problem for your project structurer, Muen LED can provide you a professional structure design. Comone install structurer is like the below picture.


We provide design map and metal frame to our customers and guide them all the way untill there project set up.






